Python and Django install
and download the setup as shown below:
Intall Python in c:\python
Change the path variable so that the Python command becomes
available in every directory
Test if python is
install properly . Go to command Prompt and type "python"
Install Django
Try to see if you have easy_install intalled
It seems that the path of
easy install is not set. Normall when you install python, a folder named
"script" gets created inside it which holds this file. So we need to
add c:\python\scripts\ to our path varriable
Now test in the Easy_install
is avialable
Now use Easy_install to
Install Django
Commnad is :
easy_install Django
Inorder to verify if you have
installed Django correctly use the following command
django-admin --version
Inorder to start a new Django project, Create a
folder and get into it. Then use the following follwoing command :
django-admin startproject
This is create a folder named
"website" under your project folder.
Get into the project folder
,"website" and use the following commnad to bootup the webserver :
python runserver
try the url
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